
We need to keep the conversation going


Martha Hoffman, Editor-In-Chief

#MeToo has started an important conversation that began on social media. It has brought the magnitude of the issue to light for the world.

Sexual assault and harassment are clearly a major problem we need to address.

Many have spoken up about their experiences and perspectives.

The discussion is an important one.

Let’s keep it going. We can’t afford to forget about it again.

The problem has been in the dark too long and it’s time we brought it into the continuing cultural conversation.

Listen to what people are saying. Be part of the cultural shift.

We need to be aware of what is going on. Pay attention to what goes on in your day-to-day world and if you see someone acting inappropriately, speak up and do something about it.

Take a deep look at your own actions and comments. Is there anything you need to change?

There are resources available to learn more about the problem and what can be done about it. Here’s a sampling of resources that provide support for victims and education for those who want to know more. Take the initiative to learn about it.

Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network: www.rainn.org —runs the free 24-hour National Sexual Assault Hotline at 800-656-HOPE.

National Sexual Violence Resource Center: www.nsvrc.org—provides statistics and support.

We Are HER: www.weareher.net —blog started by local residents for victims to tell their stories. “HER” stands for heal, empower, and restore.