Judy Day Retirement Set For June 30th

Judy Day, executive assistant to the president and secretary for the Board of Trustees, retires from the college on June 30 after 38 years of service.

Judy Day, Executive Assistant to the President and Secretary to the Board of Trustees, is retiring from IVCC on June 30 after 38 years at the college.

After moving to the area with her husband, Day saw an advertisement in the newspaper that IVCC was looking for an Administrative Assistant to the Dean of Student Services. Day remained in the position for over three years.

“I had worked more in academics at the previous college I had been at, so I just wanted to go back to that,” Day explained. “I had that opportunity to [be] the Administrative Assistant to the Vice President for Academic Affairs, and I did that.

Day has held her two current positions, Executive Assistant to the President and Secretary to the Board of Trustees, for the last five and a half years.

According to Day, she is proud to have worked alongside and learned from great academic leaders, including IVCC’s President, Dr. Jerry Corcoran.

Dr. Corcoran gave his insight on what Day has meant to the college. “She’s done her penance on earth. She is a quiet leader, very intelligent, and very thoughtful.” Corcoran also stated that IVCC would not be the institution it is today without Judy Day.

Day explained how she is from Southern Illinois and that the community college campus opening up there meant so much to her as a student.

“Before, I would have to travel or go and reside at another college, but it gave me a great start right there, and so I think IVCC does that in this community.

“I think IVCC is like the center of the Valley,” Day continued. “It’s the go-to place for folks to come together for community events and cultural events, and a great opportunity for students to have [an] education. To be able to have an educational institution close by can mean so much to students.

Day also explained how IVCC has changed over the years. “It’s expanded and offered more opportunities [and] more in career and technical fields.

For her post-retirement plans, Day says she has no plans to travel, but she looks forward to spending time with her husband, who has been retired since 2019.