Avery Scott, IV Leader staff

Yes! It’s that time of the year again. Finally, back to school and back to shorts and hoodie season!

For those of you who don’t know, shorts and hoodie season is that magical time of the year on the cusp of summer heading into fall. It’s debatably the most quintessential time for dressing comfortably all year.

Not since the Greek toga has mankind been so free and optimal.

Dress comfortably this season. Pick up a pair of shorts and hoodie from the IVCC store and watch your life change.

I’m telling you! This outfit is so versatile. Whether you’re lounging at home, studying, running, or working out at the gym, no one can tell you that you don’t look fly and comfortable if you are rocking basketball shorts and a hoodie this season.

In the world of men’s fashion there are many choices you can make. Dress like you’re part of a team, but you’re the only player on the team. Experiment with this fun trend.

No matter what you do, dress for the success this season. Stock up on basketball shorts and rock your favorite hooded sweatshirt in order to give yourself that competitive edge you need to succeed.

I’m looking out for you! The ball’s in your court now. 


August 29, 2019.