IVCC Recognizes Mental Health Awareness Week

Liza Buhr, Co-Sports Editor

Mental Health Awareness Week was Oct. 6 through Oct. 12. In order to bring more awareness to the subject, the Disability Services office held two events during the week.

On Oct. 9, the office held an event for students to learn more about coping with anxiety. Former IVCC student Ariel Zimmerlein came and told her story about overcoming anxiety.

During the “Dig In and Decrease Anxiety” presentation, Zimmerlein explained how she learned to reduce her anxiety by farming.

Zimmerlein now has her own business called AZ Farm and Wellness. Zimmerlein explained how digging in the dirt can produce endorphins which can reduce anxiety. IVCC students not only learned about different ways to reduce their anxiety but were also able to plant their own plant and dig in the dirt after the presentation.

In addition to digging in the dirt, students and staff were encouraged to take selfies throughout the week with props that had phrases on them such as, “I stand with 1 in 4,” “There is help,” and “Change the conversation.”

“I think the events of Mental Health Awareness Week are meant to increase awareness of the statistics of mental health issues,” Tina Hardy, Disability Services Coordinator, said. “Especially for the enormity of mental health issues on college campuses. I think it’s most important for students to understand the statistics and realize that if they are someone who struggles with a mental health issue that there is help and they are not

Overall, the week brought more awareness to a topic that is more present in our society today than ever before. One in every four college students deals with a mental health issue.

This week was designed to spread awareness, change the conversation, and let those who are struggling know there is always help.

For more information, students can create a YOU@IVCC account to locate resources that can help with a variety of mental health issues.