Join the Socrates Cafe
October 31, 2019
If you are looking to talk about character, The Socrates Cafe is a new club at IVCC for contemplative students and non-students alike. This club was started by Alex Innis, Haley Fittanto and Ava Spolec. The club gets its name from a book by Christopher Phillips. The three founding members read The Socrates Cafe and became collectively inspired to start their own.
The benefits of going to The Socrates Cafe are that you can learn critical thinking and speaking skills. People are encouraged to sit in even if they don’t want to speak. The participating
members in this club will be able to express their opinions and worldviews in an open discussion that will be based on that week’s chosen topic.
There is a great community setting in this club, and after going to the first meeting one can already tell it is going to have a huge following.
You can find this club in the Active Learning Center of Jacobs Library every Wednesday at 1 pm.
“You might realize more about yourself than you would on your own,”