Tips for the New and Returning Student

Miriam Hoffman, Assistant Editor

Are you new to college? Has it been a long summer? Or, are you just looking to start off this year better and stronger than ever before?

No matter the case, we’ve got some tips for you. Whether you’re in classes every day on campus, or trying out the world of online learning, studying, and keeping up with classwork can seem like a monumental task. However, with just a little bit of strategy, it doesn’t have to be so hard. 

Success tip #1: Prioritize. If you have a five page paper due this Tuesday and a 100-word essay due in two weeks, write the big one first.

Procrastination is not your friend, as friendly and fun as it may seem to be. We’ve all been there; we’ve all told ourselves that we’ll get it done “later.”

But, when we prioritize, it makes staying on top of our classes so much easier. Besides, nothing compares to that feeling of knowing you got your work done early.

Success tip #2: Stay consistent. Just because you can wait until the end of the semester to turn in all that homework doesn’t mean you should.

After you’ve prioritized which classes and activities are most important to you, stick to a plan. Do a little bit of everything, every week, and you’ll be much more confident heading into those midterms and exams.

Success tip #3: Use your resources. Literally, use your resources.

The Peer Tutoring Center? The Writing Center? Jacob’s Library? The YOU @ IVCC Portal? They’re each created for your success, so don’t be afraid to utilize those opportunities!

Visit and see all the details under the “Helping You Soar” heading.

We hope these tips set you up for the best semester yet! Best wishes as you make your dreams happen here at IVCC.