IVCC Eagles host Alumni Game

Mason Lucas, IV Leader Sports Co-Editor

The IVCC Eagles basketball team hosted its annual Alumni game on Oct. 26 with the Alumni coming away with the win, 98-90.

Corey McCrarey led the way in scoring for the alumni with 18 points along with Alex Schwab who scored 13 points, and Austin Stewart with 12 points.

For the Eagles, Ty Bland lead the game in scoring with 27 points, Yansyn Taylor followed with 16, and Christian Walker with 11.

Former Alumni Austin Stewart said about the game, “It was a great experience, I had fun and it was nice to back on this court. It’s been a long time.”

Coach Chris Herman also noted, “There was a lot of talent on the floor with that alumni team, that first group came out kind of sluggish, we got them down 13-0.“I think we got a false sense of security, a kind of fool’s gold, because I knew when the [second unit] got in there they would turn it around. Herman also noted that a couple of players from the alumni team have or were close to playing pro basketball.

So, he was not really disappointed in the team, but, he was not happy with the defensive intensity of the team. Herman so far from what he’s seen so far from the Eagles in the preseason is most unhappy with the defense.

Herman said, “Defensively, we kind of take some plays off every now and then, not everybody but… we just can’t afford to do that because we are kind of a small team.” He also noted that they need to work on free throws, as he pointed out they were 5-4 in the nine scrimmages.

Herman continued that they lost a couple games due to missing free throws and that’s what cost the Eagles the alumni game.
Stewart just from seeing the Eagles sees the potential saying, “I see a lot of potential, a lot of good pieces, a lot of good shooters, all they have to do is come together.

“So, when they come together and get a little bit more emotion into them, they’ll be alright. Their shots are going to fall and it’s going to be great.”

Coach Herman echoes that statement saying, “I like our team, I think we are going to be fine, we got a good group of kids.”

The Eagles will kick off the season starting Sat. Nov. 3. at home versus Morton and then play again three days later at home against Milwaukee Area Technical College. The entire schedule is available on the athletic web site.