IVCC explores adding full-time police officer

Nathan Orlandi, IV Leader Staff Writer

The Illinois Valley Community College Board of Trustees may implement a full-time police officer on campus, an upgrade from the current part-time presence that is currently offered.

IVCC has contracted with the Oglesby Police Department to implement a police presence on campus during the spring, fall, and winter months and a part-time officer on campus during the summer.

The officer will be a recurring face and according to Matt Seaton, Vice President of Business and Finance, “will be able to offer aid to students in legal matters being a resource such as if they have questions on a speeding ticket, or have domestic violence issues or mental health needs.”

The officer also will be a means of transportation, a resource that the college was previously lacking with its own security officers. This could be from anything from a student running out of gas all the way to legal issues such as arrests.

IVCC has hopes that the officer’s presence will be able to be incorporated into courses that require interaction with the public such as psychology and criminal justice.

Along with this, they are able to offer their real world experiences to the courses, at the instructor’s discretion.

The payment of this service will cost the college on average $70,000 per year and will not affect tuition.

The money is coming from the a tort fund, which is designed to offset costs that lower any and all risks within the college, according to Seaton.