What happened in Ferguson?

Forum promotes discussion of current news events

Students and faculty met for an open discussion Sept. 10 about recent events that transpired in Ferguson, Mo.

The meeting was sponsored by the IVCC Diversity Team and discussions were led by faculty member Amanda Cook-Fesperman.

Discussions initially focused on the Aug. 9 shooting and subsequent death of an unarmed 18-year-old named Michael Brown by a white police officer named Darren Wilson.

The shooting prompted the surrounding, primarily African-American, community to stage demonstrations protesting the police department, which is almost completely made up of white officers.

At the Sept. 10 IVCC program, conversation later moved on to a broader discussion on racism in our country, the surrounding community, and at IVCC. Students detailed personal experiences dealing with racism and abuse of power by police. Some voiced support for police departments.

Upwards of 60 people, comprised of both students and faculty, attended the discussion, leaving some attendees without chairs.