Theatre dept. presents: “Mame”

Theatre dept. presents: "Mame"

Ryan Nolasco, Assistant Editor

IVCC’s theater department will be performing “Mame” on the stage this semester. Dr. David Kuester, theater professor and show/costume producer, says the show is a favorite of his for its full cast of fun, likable characters. Kuester added that the pressure is on, as he and the theater department won the state award quite recently. “Mame” has been a book, musical, Broadway show, as well as a movie starring Lucille Ball. The classic story, which will be directed by Don Grant Zellmer, sees the life of a woman named “Mame” (played by Kelly Johnson) unfold in 1920s New York. She suddenly must take charge of her recently orphaned nephew, Patrick (played by Jackson Layhew). The unlikely pair’s story has many twists and turns. Performance days are Nov. 10-12, 17-19, with Nov. 13 and 20 being matinee periods. For more information, visit the IVCC Fine Arts Facebook page.

Full Cast List:

Mame Dennis: Kelly Johnson
Vera Charles: Deb Torri
Agnes Gooch: Rebecca Eltrevoog
Patrick Dennis (Age 10): Jackson Layhew
Patrick Dennis (Adult)/Gregor: Jake Jakielski
Dwight Babcock: Brian Towne
Lindsay Woolsey: Ethan Darrow*
Beauregard Burnside: Don Grant Zellmer
Ito/Others: David Zuniga**
Mr. Claude Upson/Ralph Devine/Vera’s
Stage Manager: Michael Lee
Mrs. Doris Upson/Cousin Fan/M. Branislowski: Karen Lesman Gloria
Upson/Dancer/Others: Lexi Johnson**
Pegeen Ryan/Dancer/Others: Zoe Starkey**
Sally Cato: Alyce Scott
Mother Burnside: Sitonya Allan
Junior Babcock: Austin Hack**
Dancers/Company/Various Roles: Zoe Bush*,
Genevieve Hunter*, Rheagan Goluba, and Cami Mangan
Production Staff Director/Choreographer: Don Grant Zellmer
Music Director: Alex Guerrero
Tech Director: Chad Brokaw
Producer/Costumer Coordinator: Dr. David Kuester
Stage Manager: Alyce Scott
Assistant Stage Manager: Ash Holland**

*Denotes a student.
**Denotes a theatre scholarship
award winner