Phase 4: How IVCC’s Theater Department is Adjusting

Caelyn Maltby, IV Leader Staff

Like many other groups and organizations at IVCC, the theatre department has had to make some drastic changes to their usual ways of doing things.

After having to cease production for their spring musical “Legally Blonde,” the department came up with a few unique ways to keep their audiences entertained.

Don Zellmer, Director & Choreographer of Musical Theatre at IVCC, brought to life a weekly talk show that involves interviews with an array of interesting people in the arts. Those looking for some entertainment can tune in by visiting the IVCC Fine Arts YouTube channel.

The department also has a few annual productions coming up that will now be on an online platform.

Before the holidays hit, they will be filming their annual holiday musical production, “Jingle All the Way!”. All actors are going to film independently to keep up with current health and safety guidelines.

Zellmer recognizes that things are not ideal. Despite that, he is grateful that creativity and talent are still able to be expressed. 

“I’m aware that watching a performance online is not the same as the communal experience of attending live theatre, but right now, we’re doing what we can do to keep the lively arts alive!” says Zellmer.

Those looking for a scare should keep an eye out for the release of their upcoming production, “Terror in the Aisles.” This storyteller production will be available on the IVCC Fine Arts YouTube channel on Halloween.