An origin story finally come to pass for gamers


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J.Q. Church, Web Manager

On Oct. 27 this year, Ubisoft launched their latest “Assassins Creed” game to finally tell the story of the beginning: an “origin” story, if you will. And a forewarning: there are spoilers.

The game begins with the trailered hero Bayek, an Old Kingdom Egyptian from Siwa, who holds the title of the last Medjay. The Medjay are marked protectors of the Pharaoh but in this time, 300 years in to the end of the Ptolemy dynasty in Egypt (Greek occupation), he is a Medjay of the people. Bayek is a father of one, Khemu, and husband to a Greek wife named Aya.

However, the game begins by showing Bayek slaying Rudjek the Heron, a member of the Order, which is an ancient group that controls all relations in power and prosperity. The creators have a brief bout over who Bayek is supposed to be as a Medjay.

Rudjek claims Bayek a Medjay but Bayek claims he is no Medjay and cuts the mark of the Medjay from his tricep. He murders Rudjek and fights the protector of Rudjek to the death after falling into a pit. Immediately Bayek leaves and finds himself in a tomb that has been unseen for centuries, marking the truth of the Ancient Egyptians before the fall to Alexander the Great.

After relishing the Coptic writing and escaping the tomb, Bayek assists his hometown friend Hepzefa in defeating the rest of Rudjek’s men. They are all smiles seeing each other for it has been some time since they have last been together. From the interaction of Rudjek and his protector, we understand Bayek has lost his son due to the evil workings of the Order. Rudjek was just the first name of many on his list to assassinate to receive justice for his son who would then be free in the field of reeds.

To be a Medjay, Bayek was masterfully trained in combat, utilizing a variety of weapons such as multiple hunting bows, heavy tipped and blunt objects, spears, and sword. Bayek uses a shield to charge and repel enemies and also learns to use a dual wield set. Later in the game after meeting his wife again, along with the exiled Queen Cleopatra, he learns to use the signature Hidden Blade for low-profile assassinations.

However, Bayek never modifies the blade like Da Vinci does for Ezio in “Assassins Creed: Ezio Collection.” This means that Bayek and his wife Aya have to learn a brutal lesson in what is sacrificed in using the Hidden Blade: their ring finger. Aside from this, Bayek was a master in stealth and parkour.

In other Assassin’s creed games, our assassins have eagle vision which is the all awareness of unseen objects and enemies, but Bayek has his eagle Senu, who is the eagle vision which allows Bayek to use stealth as an assassin. Such a feat was then taught to other assassins to “survey” the area with viewpoints like later Assassins such as Altaïr Ibn-La’Ahad, Ezio Auditore da Firenze, and Desmond Miles.

Playing this game you do get the sense that you aren’t really an assassin. You are actually a Medjay because your missions mostly include helping the people from Siwa to Alexanadria that already know the work of “Bayek the Crazy Siwan.”

You can raid tombs of past pharaohs, receive the hidden empirical truths, and receive the Isu Amor of the Ancient ones which are those who came before. Grind (carry out local tasks) to level up Bayek to level 40 and find legendary weapons such as Hepzefa’s prized blade, the fire sword.

For me, the game was a brand new experience. It housed the older elements like the Order tree from Assassin’s Creed I, sea battles and hunting from Black Flag, and leveling skill tree from Syndicate. However, what was new was the story, we have not had a story that embodied so much culture, truth, and depth that was a major platform game. The best symbolic foreshadowing the game gave me was the loss of the ring finger for

Aya and Bayek. Their loss meant the loss of their marriage at the end, driving them to find the Assassins bureaus in Memphis and Rome and spreading their influence as the first Hidden Ones.