A Message from your 2020 Student Trustee

Manuel Galindo, Student Trustee

Dear IVCC Students and Faculty,

My name is Manuel Galindo, and I am your 2020-2021 Student Board Trustee.

I am beyond excited to be in this position where I can represent you all and give back to the Illinois Valley community. My position is designed to represent the students and to connect the Board of Trustees to the students and faculty.

As the school year progresses, I plan to help the Student Government Association plan events for students, while also keeping the student’s informed on campus events as the semester progresses.

Although this semester is online and in a blended format for students, I encourage you all to use the multitude of resources that IVCC provides. The college has many supportive services that I encourage you to seek out throughout the semester.

If you have any questions throughout the semester, please reach out to me through my student email, K00346F5@office365.ivcc.edu. If I cannot provide the assistance that you need, I will direct you to the appropriate people to help you.

As we all head into the fall semester, IVCC is leaving a summer filled with obstacles. These obstacles, like the spring semester being cut short and the network shut down, have only made the Illinois Valley community stronger.

Together, the college has been able to work through and prosper in the most difficult of times stemming from the COVID-19 Pandemic. I encourage all students at IVCC to learn from their spring semesters online and apply those new skills to this semester. Use these past trials as reassurance that you can and will succeed, even in this new learning environment.

I wish you all a prosperous and rewarding semester.


Manuel Galindo


Here are associated links for IVCC resources

IVCC Counseling Center: www.ivcc.edu/counseling


IVCC Records and Registration: www.ivcc.edu/admissions


Student Help Desk/Student Technology Center: www.ivcc.edu/studenthelpdesk
