Noteworthy Photos That Didn’t Make It To Print
June 1, 2018
As a small tri weekly paper we often find ourselves without the space to run certain articles or photos in each issue. The following are just a few of my favorite images that we just didn’t have that crucial space to get to run.
The very first issue of every year is typically a very quick turnaround time (typically occurring during the second week of school). Usually our staff is giving it our all to produce enough stories and content while working with a very small staff until we can recruit new members. These first two images were made to compliment a story about the upcoming return of open air preachers Jedd and Cindy Smock to Illinois State University.

Open air evangelist Jedd Smock singles out individual crowd members while demanding them to repent their sins. Smock has been preaching to university crowds in all fifty states for over four decades.

Brother Jedd Smock gets into a heated argument with a heckler from the large crowd surrounding Smock’s campus ministry. The controversial preaching group is expected to be back at Illinois State University in early September this year.
The reason that next image didn’t run is because the timing of the story just didn’t really work out too well. Our deadline for the previous paper had already passed and being a triweekly most major local stories have already come and gone. With not a whole lot of breaking news opportunities in this area this one was a tough story not to run. While police officers were carrying out an eviction notice for Jeffery Sorrentino of Peru, a shot was fired at the officers. The situation played out as a twelve hour standoff between Sorrentino and the police which later ended up in a peaceful surrender.

S.W.A.T. team members surround the house of Jeffery Sorrentino of Peru after a shot was fired through the front door at officers serving an eviction notice. The standoff lasted for nearly twelve hours and ended with Sorrentino turning himself in to the authorities.