Buy Your Cap and Gown Now

Are you planning on participating in the Commencement ceremony on Saturday, May 16?

You can order a cap and gown for the ceremony until April 3 in the Counseling office in CTC 202.

You can also order online by going to, and click on “Order your cap & gown directly from Josten’s HERE.” Online ordering is available until April 3.

There is no charge to participate in the Commencement ceremony.

In order to participate in the ceremony you must apply for graduation. Applications for spring and summer are still being accepted in the Counseling office.

Additional information regarding the ceremony will be sent out at a later date to students who have ordered a cap and gown.

If you are participating in the commencement ceremony and you are in an honor society or veteran, please contact your advisor about purchasing cords and/or stoles for the event.