Eagles aim to end season strong

April 29, 2016
The Eagles go 1-3 in a 4 game bout with conference opponent Carl Sandburg. This brings the Eagle’s record to 5-13 (as of date of publication) with only 4 matchups left in the regular season.
The Eagles squad led by coach Jason Goode have struggled to be consistent this season, which Goode attributes to a lack of depth, “with only 17 guys, the occasional sore arm or injury, has left us unable be competitive in some 2nd games of a Doubleheader.”
College baseball and softball always play a doubleheader with every opponent throughout the season.
This means that the Eagles finish their regular season with 4 doubleheaders all against conference opponents. With a current record of 3-3 in the Arrowhead conference, the Eagles could finish in good ranking in the conference standings.
Despite their overall record, The Eagle’s young team has been able to score runs consistently: “, the freshmen have figured out college pitching sooner than expected, and we are actually scoring more runs than expected,” said Goode.
The offense has been led by standout performances from sophomores Darren Raby, who is hitting over .400 and Jordan Hernandez, who is just over .300.
Some of their supporting class includes freshman Joey Quinn, Jared Lynn, and Shawn Feagen who have either scored or assisted in over 30 runs for the Eagles.
Another area where The Eagle’s lack of depth is hurting them is pitching.
“Ross Weber and Austin Schmitt have been the only two consistent starting pitchers, and because of overuse, both guys starting to wear down a little,” said Goode.
Weber leads the team with 22 K’s and an ERA of 3.75 while Schmitt has pitched the most innings on the Eagle’s squad, earning an ERA of 6.06.
Outside of pitching, the strongest parts of the Eagle’s defense are the play of the outfielders and their first baseman Jared Lynn, explained Goode.
Coach Goode is emphasizing positivity along with a strong focus to his team as they finish the regular season. “We believe, if we can get healthy, we can win a weekend series in the playoffs,” said Goode.