Hello, Eagles! This will be my last report as the 2023-24 Student Trustee!
Elections for Sophomore Student Government members are Thursday April 4 & Friday, April 5 from 8 a.m.- 2 p.m., outside the SGA Office in the Student Life Space.
Petitions are due by 2 p.m. Friday, March 29 for anyone interested in applying. Petitions can be picked up outside of Cory Tomasson’s office in E-building.
A Students Picnic that SGA is organizing will be Wednesday, April 17, in the front of campus. Games and food will be provided.
On April 16, there will be a Wellness Series, put together by the Student Success Committee. This will be a day full of activities geared toward mental & physical health for students.
On Thursday, March 28 and Friday, March 29, SGA will host a campus wide easter egg hunt. SGA members will hide Easter Eggs! Once you find an egg, you can return it to the SGA Office, in the Student Life Space, for a prize. Two eggs will be returned for a special prize.
Thank you for staying up to date with me! It was a pleasure to write for you.