Hello Eagles! Welcome back! I am your 2023-24 Student Government- Student Trustee, Libby Boyles. I am back to update you about what Student Government and myself have been up to, both over the summer months and now as we are back in school!
Over the summer, the IVCC Board of Trustees convened every month, approving many new hires, bills of funding in many parts of the school, and most significantly, have begun to form our Master Plans for the following years at IVCC.
Dr. Tracy Morris is heading the Strategic Master Plan. They are currently in step one of the plans, getting Focus Groups together throughout the college to look at different missions, visions, values, and goals. More updates for this plan to come, hopefully by the end of October. The Facilities plan has gone through meetings with many internal and external Focus Groups. Student and Faculty Focus Group meetings have not gotten together yet, because many students and faculty were gone over the summer months.
Student focus groups are scheduled for Sept. 11, 15, and 22, times to be announced. These focus groups are meant for students to bring their ideas about what we need and want to improve student life at IVCC.
In our latest Student Government meeting on Aug. 23 , we planned many activities for our upcoming Spirit Day event, improvements for our game rooms in the Student Life Space, planned our office hours for the SGA office in the Student Life Space, and set our individual goals as Student Government Officers for the school year that we will present to the President’s Council. Student Government will be holding our annual Spirit Day event on Wednesday, Sept. 13 from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Courtyard.
We have many fun activities planned for everyone, so make sure you put it in your Calendars… Speaking of calendars… Have you gotten your free Student Planner?
We have more outside of our SGA office in the Student Life Space! On the “Stay Connected & Get Involved” page in the Student Planner, there is a QR code to scan that will allow you to subscribe to our Student Calendar, created by our very own Student Government President, Daniel Sack!
Other PERKS as an IVCC student: All Student can use the Fitness Center in Building G, during the set hours. All printing in the Academic Support Center is now FREE! Get your FREE parking pass at the Information Desk by the front doors or downstairs in the Security Office. This allows our Security staff to contact you if anything may happen to your car in the school parking lots.
WEAR PURPLE ON FRIDAYS! As a member of Student Government, one of my goals for the year is to promote school spirit! We invite all students and staff to wear IVCC purple with us on Fridays from now on!
As Student Trustee, I will be giving the closing at the Presidential Investiture Ceremony for new IVCC President Tracy Morris, on Thursday, Sept. 21 . Thank you for staying up to date with me!
New school year brings new SGA plans
Libby Boyles, Student Trustee
September 7, 2023
Libby Boyles