A welcome from newly-elected Student Trustee
September 2, 2021
Hello Eagles and a big welcome to IVCC!
I hope everyone had a great start to the school year. Hopefully you all grabbed and enjoyed the drinks, donuts, planners, and bookbags handed out and maybe even saw Ruby the therapy dog.
My name is Madison Miranda and I am your current Student Trustee for the 2021-2022 school year.
To give a little background about myself, I am a sophomore majoring in communications, I work for an insurance agency, I love both dogs and food, and am a huge Cubs fan.
As Trustee, I attend all monthly board meetings to work with the President and my other fellow trustees so the students are heard. I am your voice!
Any questions, concerns, or ideas you have, you can come to me and I can work directly with the board.
With that, I am also a member of SGA. As a group, we meet and decide on new ideas and activities to make student experiences here fun and memorable.
Luckily, SGA is kicking off the school year with a spirit week coming up in late September. Although we have been coming up with activities, we are always open to discuss everyone’s ideas.
If you grabbed a planner, my picture and my fellow SGA members’ pictures are on there too. If you see us around, come say hi!
If you are looking to discuss an idea or concern, you can reach me at my Eagle email [email protected]. Wishing you all an amazing school year! Go Eagles!