The IVCC Ottawa Center has been serving students for 10 semesters.
To celebrate the “big 10” we asked students a few questions to get a pulse on what they like, what they might change and what they might wish for.
Here are the results!
The top answer for what they like most about the OC is that it is close to home. The students save money on gas and like how convenient it is.
Some students are able to walk to the IVCC Ottawa Center. They like the smaller campus and relaxed atmosphere. In addition they enjoyed being able to park on the doorstep; the accessibility of the single floor building; and having computers open and available.
When asked, “What is another thing you like about the IVCC Ottawa Center,” the overwhelming response was: the staff is friendly and helpful.
Other comments received were the faculty are great and are always available for questions and to help; the students love counselor Valery Calvetti; the safety of the parking lot; and we provide general education classes.
One student said he completed all his Gen Ed classes in Ottawa and saved a fortune on gas.
Finally, another shared with us that the Ottawa Center gave her a future she never would have had the opportunity to have.
When asked what you would change about the Ottawa Center, the overwhelming response was to see more of a variety of classes.
In addition students wanted more tutors or more hours for the tutors; to be able to make copies; to not pay for printing; to have some security; and to have healthier choices in the vending machines.
Students would like to see more class selections including some labs (anatomy, nursing and biology); a small bookstore; a library annex; better coffee in the vending machine; open the Writing Center on Friday; put TVs in the lobby; provide a bigger food area; and busing from Ottawa to the main campus.
Happy 10 semesters and here’s to many more!