As the 2012-2013 school year begins to wind down to its last months, there are still some very important events to make note of. The Student Government Association will be beginning elections for next year. From participating in volunteer events to broadening your knowledge and skills on being a leader, being a member of the SGA is amazing learning experience and opens many windows of opportunity.
The petitions go out on Monday, March 25 and can be picked up at Cory Tomasson’s office, which is E 306. The petitions then need to be turned in to E 306 by Friday, March 29. Elections will take place on Thursday, April 11 and Friday, April 12. Even for those students who are not running for a position on Student Government, please remember to participate in the elections by voting on the set days. Last year we had a fantastic turn out, so let’s strive for even better this year.
On Wednesday, April 17, Lobby Day will be taking place in Springfield. Many of you might not be familiar with what Lobby Day is or what it consists of. Lobby Day, also known as Student Advocacy Day is when students, state-wide come together as one voice to express support on a topic or issue that they feel is relevant and significant within Illinois Community Colleges.
This year, as the student leaders of the Illinois Community College Board-Student Advisory Committee, we have decided to advocate for the preservation of Adult Education funding. The Adult Education program has been brought up for budget cuts again. We, as constituents of the state, cannot afford these budget cuts. As a result, tuition could be increased because Illinois Community Colleges are required to offer the Adult Education Program. We have decided to advocate for the preservation of the funds because it is important to keep what we have now, than ask for too much and end up losing more.
If anyone has any questions or concerns on this issue or event, please do not hesitate to contact me at or in the Student Government office. Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the word.” As the students of IVCC, we are all so lucky to be provided the opportunity to receive an education that can help us make changes in our school, ourselves, and our society. Have a wonderful last few months of school!