In the 2024-2025 Student Government Association Freshmen Elections there was a total of sixty-nine ballots cast from students, electing three students for the SGA positions.
For Freshman Representative Pete Wilcox won with 45 votes.
On the Freshman Programming Board Danica Scoma won with 47 votes. Litzy Lopez also won with 10 votes.
Adviser Cory Tomasson commented “We are really pleased to have these freshmen join the Student Government Association. We have a strong group of sophomores that are highly involved at IVCC, and the new members will help the group fulfill all their goals for the year.”
Pete Wilcox, winner of the Freshman Representative, is 17 years old and attended Veritas Press Scholars Academy (online).
Danica Scoma, winner of the Freshman Programming Board, is 18 years old and attended LaSalle Peru Township Highschool. They are majoring is art education/art therapy. Danica stated, “I to be a proactive voice here on campus for all students, solving problems before they become issues. My main goal is to create more social opportunity and i hope to provide students with an emphasis on community.”
Litzy Lopez will serve with Scoma on the Freshman Programming Board.
Sophomore elections for Student Government Association, including the Student Trustee, will be held in the spring semester.