Trying to beat the late summer heatwave but still want to stay outside?
The newest addition to campus can help you.
The Sunbolt Campus XL, located directly outside the main entrance, is the newest addition to the IVCC seating arrangements.
IVCC’s Director of Business Kathy Ross, along with Nikki VanNielen, worked with Illinois Green Economy Network (IGEN) to obtain a grant to pay for a new communal outdoor workspace.
Not only is it ADA accessible, but it is also wireless, creating a shady place where students can gather to study, collaborate on homework, and talk, all while wirelessly charging their electronics and catching some Vitamin D.
“We were going back and forth between projects,” according to Ross. “Students were talking about outdoor spaces during our master plan process. Students really wanted to have an accessible outdoor space…(to study or collaborate) but that’s hard to do when you have (electronics) and you really need to charge them.”
The idea originated from a visit to Wren Lake Community College.
VanNielen was touring campus when the solar-powered outdoor seating immediately caught her attention.
When she brought it to Ross’s attention, they both knew this was something that the students of IVCC needed.
If you attempt to visit this new solar-powered study area and cannot find a seat, don’t get too disappointed: Ross and Vannielen have submitted a second grant through IGEN for this new school year, and plan to get several more of these outdoor study spots.
Solar-powered charging, outdoor seating
Grant funds new addition to campus
September 5, 2024
Gina Stayton of Mendota enjoys the new seating outside the main building while waiting for her ride.