Illinois Valley Community College is celebrating 100 years by hosting 100 events leading up to the 100th anniversary.
The first event was the Souper Bowl which was held before the NFL Super Bowl.
According to Illinois Valley Community College’s Special Populations Transition Specialist, Crystal Credi, “The Souper Bowl drive was a great success! We collected 143 items. This event kicked off our 100 Years, 100 Cans drive.”
For the remainder of February, the college hopes to collect 100 cans each of corn, soup, green beans, and stew.
Those donations can be placed in the bin across from the Counseling Office, CTC-202.
“We appreciate the support of the college community,” Credi said.
Starved Rock Coffee Company created a 100th Anniversary Coffee Blend. This coffee can be purchased at the bookstore on campus.
Another event leading up to the anniversary was The Coldest Night of The Year Walk, which took place on Feb. 24 in Ottawa.
The purpose of this event is to raise money for local shelters and get a sense of what the homeless experience during cold winter nights.
The IVCC team finished third of the teams in Ottawa, raising close to $2,000.
March 8 is the grand opening of CETLA, which will now be located in D-201.
This has been long awaited after inevitable construction delays. According to, “CETLA’s mission is to support faculty at IVCC. We strive to support teaching and learning for faculty and student success.”
CETLA is a comprehensive one-stop support shop for all faculty and will move from Room 321 in E building.
For more information and details regarding the 100 events leading up to Illinois Valley Community College’s 100th anniversary use the following link: