Campus literary magazine hosts release party

 IVCC’s literary magazine celebrated its release party April 27. The event honored the book contributors, winners of the IVCC Creates contest and the Sigma Kappa Delta poetry contest winners.

The organization displayed the artwork published in the book that ranged from visual arts to photography. Arinze Ochuba was a guest judge for the visual arts.

Abagail Jordan won first in visual arts for “Sunset Valley” and runner-up for “Lost and Found.” Austin Beyer received honorable mention with “Seascape.”

In the photography category, Tess Kopp won for “Mr. Whiskers,” Austin Beyer received runner-up for “Abstract Fork” and Kaitlyn Anthony won honorable mention for “Burning.”

For poetry, Amelia Rusk won for her poem “Progression,” the runner-up was Angel Kizer for “To Be” and Aelsa Butler received honorable mention for “What is Better?”

Brian Kelsey was the winner in the fiction category for his piece “Frozen” and Danny Pfaff was the runner-up for “Paranoia.”

The Sigma Kappa Delta poetry contest was held in conjunction with Women’s History Month. The theme of the contest was to celebrate women’s persistence for justice.

First place of the contest was “Chains” by Lisa Chounard, second was “Heady and Fierce” by Matthew Richards, third place was Julio Hernandez’s “Valiente…Fuerte” and Brenda Beals received fourth for “Do You Still Hear?”

The night featured an open mic for contributors and the community.