Not only students from IVCC but also high school students as well took place in the ninth annual Edible Car Contest on Feb. 26.
The teams from IVCC included Spanish club car named “Jalapeños Ardientes,” which was the only club organization car, one faculty member- Schultz, three IVCC student teams (MIMIC), and five student teams (all math entered as Schultz’s Scholars). In addition, 16 high school teams from four different schools that included Putnam Country, Hall, LP/ACC, and Henry-Senachwine also competed.
The winner for first place in speed was by a high school student under the category Candy-Twinkie. The car’s name was “Taggart!” made with Oreos for wheels locked in by mini marshmallows.
The overall winner (most creative, most likely to run, and fast in speed) was a car made by math students here at IVCC. The car consisted of eggplant, peppermint sticks, a graham cracker, the wheels were made of different types of cookies held in by gummy life savers.
First place winner in design was created by a team from Putnam County High School. This car was realistic looking with a boxy style made out of graham cracker, marshmallows, cookies for wheels, and even gummy bears to look like people.
The first place winner in detail was the “Hydro King” under the MIMIC category created by IVCC students. This car had a cucumber for the main body of the car, pretzels (for axels), cheese wheels, broccoli, olives for headlights, and a face in the middle of their car.
First place winner in high school categories was “Ramrod II,” for the second year submission by these students. This car scored second in overall speed as well as first place in high school.
The car was made up of graham crackers, and peanut butter crackers, and gummy worms in the back for flare.
The fastest time recorded was .63 seconds, second fastest was .64 and third was .71.
Prizes included candy-filled trophies, waterproof draw-string bags filled with goodies, golden medals, and more treats.
The first (and only) in student organization from IVCC was the Spanish club car named “Jalapeño Ardientes,” made with two green peppers and cookies for wheels.
Edible Car Contests are also popular in grade 5-12, and are encouraged for science.