Registration for Spring semester classes will begin Wednesday, Oct. 31.
Registering will be handled differently this year. Instead of having a separate day for each method of registration, all forms of registration will begin on the same day but start at different times.
“The intent is to really level the playing field, so to speak, so that everyone will be able to register that first day,” says Tracy Morris, associate vice president for student services.
All registration will begin Oct. 31 with online starting at 8 a.m., in person starting at noon and phone and fax starting at 2 p.m.
Combining registration to begin on one day will help accomplish giving priority to online registration but also eliminate the two-day wait for students who cannot or did not know how to use WebAdvisor.
“We’ve gotten to the point where WebAdvisor is running pretty well,” says Morris. “We used to need that day to make sure that everything went well with giving the priority.”
Morris says that past registrations would be busy for one or two hours on the first day and then really slow and continue in that trend for the next few days.
This new way of registering is more efficient and time saving for both students and staff. “We figured we could maximize the use of our staffs and have one really busy day but then get everyone on the same page,” Morris said.
One drawback to the new system is the possibility of classes filling up even quicker than usual.
“Instead of it being spread out over three days, that first big push will be in one day,” said Morris. “The people who really have a section they need to have or if they are interested in phlebotomy or a lot of our lab sciences they still need to be ready to go with WebAdvisor.”
To set up a WebAdvisor account set up Morris recommends going to the Learning Commons before registration starts. Morris also says students should be seeing a counselor as well.
New system streamlines Spring class registration
November 1, 2012